Today's Meme #ZZAN

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Today's Meme #ZZAN

[Tumblbug X Today’s Meme] Goods Crowd Funding

크라우드펀딩 플랫폼 텀블벅을 통해 진행된 오늘의 짤 #짠은 MOH에서 처음으로 시도한 크라우드펀딩 프로젝트입니다. 희노애락에 짤군 감성을 더해 패러디한 희노에(로)락으로 컨셉을 잡았습니다. 기쁨, 분노, 에로, 즐거움의 표정이 담긴 4종의 잔을 제작하였습니다. 펀딩 오픈 일주일만에 목표 금액을 달성하며 성황리에 마무리되었습니다.

This is the first crowd funding project at MOH. Through crowd funding platform tumblebuck, the funding of Today’s Meme #Zzan was progressed. We added Zzalgun emotion in four basic emotion which is joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure, to create the concept of special four emotion which is joy, anger, eroticism and pleasure. We created four tumblers included joyful, angry, erotic, and pleasant expression. The goal was reached in a week after the funding open, and it ended successfully.